On The Cotswold Community…
Received from Isobel Terry | Added to the site April 2015.
“I was a volunteer at the Cotswold community in the late 70’s. I was about 19/20 years old. I worked at Larkrise.
I have some fond and vivid memories of my time there and I can remember the faces of some of the boys.
The experience amongst others helped launch me into a long career in youth /community work and it is only in latter years that I have come to therapeutic work.
I am interested looking back that I started out this way. I was taught to weave there and made a loom at the school/Poly with…forgotten his name. This I continued.
I am interested reading your work, the work of the community and the theory behind it. I see it closed in 2011 after you spent a long and dedicated time there.”