On the Cotswold Approved School…

Added to the site May 2016.

“My time at the school was between September 1948 and December 1950.
It took me a time to settle down.

I was in St Andrews House and the master was a Mr Goldsworthy. He was a nice man who I remember as a very understanding man.

The school was run in a regimental way. On entry you were given a number, mine was 547. The staff you came in contact with NEVER called you by your number. There was a certain amount of bullying but you will get that at any school.

I made some very good friends and one of them, we kept in touch 60 plus years, going to each other’s wedding. Unfortunately he died about 5 years ago and I went to his funeral in Surrey.

At the school we worked in the shoe repair dept run by Mr Soloman, who we kept in touch with after we left the school and visited him in Stroud where he had a shoe repair shop.

Going back to the school, it did reform me and I have no regrets in life. I became a Rolls Royce Chauffeur and I have a RR certificate for over 500 thousand miles.

If there are any old boys of the school who would like to get in touch I would be happy be in contact. If I can help you with anymore information I would be glad to hear from you.”